13 Apr

Close and Delete Microsoft Account Permanently

1. First of all, you need to visit this Microsoft webpage and log in to your Microsoft account which you want to close and delete permanently.

2. Once you’re logged into your Microsoft account, you will see the following messages which read “Make sure xyz@outlook.com or xyz@hotmail.com is ready to close.”

Click on the Next button at the bottom to continue.

3. On the next page, you will see following heading “Mark xyz @hotmail .com for closure.”  Here you will find various check boxes. You need to check all of them if you want to delete your account.

Note: It is recommended to read all of them before checking these check boxes.

Below this, there will be a drop down using which you need to tell the Microsoft why you’re closing your account.

mark microsoft account for closure

Select the appropriate reason and click on the button which reads “Mark account for closure.

4. Your account will be logged out automatically. On the next, you will see the message which reads:

xyz@hotmail.com will be closed on dd/mm/year

microsoft account will be closed

If you want: At this point, you can cancel the closure and reopen your Microsoft account by signing back in within 60 days. To reopen, you’ll need to be able to prove you’re you using your current account security info.

5. Click on the Done button and your account will be permanently deleted from Microsoft servers on the date mentioned on the page.

Congratulation, you have successfully deleted your Microsoft Account.

How to Delete Microsoft Hotmail and Outlook Account

* The email will not be published on the website.